
One Picture = One Thousand Words

Allen West.........or Barack Obama?

Thought I'd pass this gem along. Enjoy.

- bin Nomos
The middle would like to welcome a new contributer to the site... What a great way to start it off! Welcome!!!!


Can You Ban Speech And Love The First Amendment?

I find it amazing how many times liberals tend to contradict themselves. They will say that they support free speech, and at the very same time will sign a petition to BAN speech they disagree with.

Read in Style. Designer Covers and Accessories.


Jan Schakowski climbs back out from under her rock.

Jan talks about her disdain for Andrew Breitbart. And the way he and BigGovernment.com went "after her".

Here is the clip they exposed that she didn't want you to hear. Her feelings on "healthcare reform" are best described as radical.

DVD Sale: Pick any 3 for only $20!

WTF Moment of the day 5/19/11

Mathews has really fell off the deep end, and I sit here wondering which is worse. The way he looks at the president as being above it all always doing good. Or the way he sees Gingrich as the...wait for it...Joker character from Batman. I mean wow who sees the world this way? Anyway, take a listen to this guy and see if you can puzzle out his reasoning and if you agree or disagree.



Now THIS is how you present conservative opinion in a fun way... love these guys!

Will Privatizing Medicare Cause Grandma to be Thrown From a Cliff???

So how in the world can we ever even begin to talk about entitlement spending when some people out there are willing to tell the American public that if you privatize Medicare, that very company will throw her off a cliff?
I get that they are good at packing the message and so now I want to look at it from their side. Should we as conservatives be willing and or working on a video showing...let's say... Pelosi throwing grandma off of a cliff? Maybe this is the way to do it... counter punch, instead of always being the victims of this creative bullying. And while some on the liberal side would stay far back from this commercial and call it crazy. They still are happy with the desired effect.
As we should be happy with the desired effect of an anti big government ad that shows them rounding up people who are using the wrong light bulbs or possibly one that shows bureaucrats being held up by blue collar workers on a palanquin as they eat grapes and ride through town.
Folks it's time to put our uniquely logic based minds to work and show the left that we can be just as creative as they can.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mistress Revealed

OK so typically this is not like me to blog quasi celebrity photos. However, I do want to make sure that this story of Arnold fathering a child 14 years ago with his maid does not get missed. I live in a Kalifornia, and voted for this man. I was excited to do so and was extreeeeeeeeeemly disappointed with the way he governed. NOW, he is speaking at global warming seminars, and commuted the sentence of a confessed killer for a political buddy! So since he is on his knees down in the dirt I thought I would dog pile a little and make sure that the people who read this blog don't miss this story. 

Today photos emerged of the mother of his illegitimate 14 year old son and the boy himself. and again, the only reason I am putting this out there is to show how much of a total waste of space this man turned out to be. So here is the photo I'm sure the world was waiting to see...

How many illegal aliens can you fit in a trailer?

I know it sounds like the set up to a joke... but stunning x-ray photos are surfacing that show this is nothing short of disgusting human trafficking. Ask yourself, what did these people pay and or do, to be herded like cattle into these trailers. Yes I said trailers, as in two, 18 wheel big rig trailers. 
The immigration institute says 410 of the migrants were from Guatemala, 47 from El Salvador, 32 from Ecuador, 12 from India, six from Nepal, three from China, and one each from Japan, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. There were 32 women and four children among them.

The new way to call someone a racist, Part 2

Ed Schultz has now picked up the baton and is running with it. This is really getting old to me. I mean there has to be a repudiation of this line of thinking. That just because you say he hands out a lot of food-stamps, now you are using a "wolf whistle" a "dog whistle" So now we are so worried about racism in this country, and rightfully so, that we hear it where it doesn't exist. I do have to admit I am playing an Ed Schultz clip so it's not like that's the opinion of EVERY liberal. BUT... the overall point here is that this will be the new way of handling conservatives in the upcoming election. I can't say it enough... the SIN tactic Switch the topic, Ignore the facts, and Name call.

Top 10 Ronald Regan moments #2

The Evil Empire Speech

March 8th 1983

The Great Communicator, Ronald Regan Address to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida that would come to represent Reagan's view of the Soviet Union. Reagan defends America's Judeo-Christian traditions against the Soviet Union's totalitarian leadership and lack of religious faith, expressing his belief that these differences are at the heart of the fight between the two nations. In many of his addresses Regan spoke of totalitarianism and it's evils. On this day he set the tone for how he would deal with the Soviet Union 


Two Ears One Mouth Moment

Remember folks, you should always listen twice as much as you speak... Case in point...

Schwarzenegger fathered child with member of household staff - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Schwarzenegger released the following statement yesterday:
"After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago. I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."
"I ask that the media respect my wife and children through this extremely difficult time," the statement concluded. "While I deserve your attention and criticism, my family does not."

Newt's Contradictions Will Cost Him The Nominations

Charles Krauthammer was on special report yesterday and summarized  the Newt Gingrich statements over the last few days on Obama care. It's his opinion and also mine that Newt painted himself into a tiny box that there was no way out of and now the left can easily attack him. I still don't really see what he likes about his plan and hates about Obama's plan. They seem one in the same to me. and honestly, if it's so nuanced that I can't understand it, what chance does he have with uninformed voters. It's a must that the next G.O.P. candidate be someone who can package the conservative message in a way that entertains and informs at the same time. Obviously Newt is not that guy.


The new way to call someone a racist.

The S.I.N. tactic in plain sight.

I believe this to be only the puck drop of a much longer series. Look for more of this screaming of racism from liberals as the presidential campaigns get going... you will notice that no one EVER looks at the validity of what he actually has said. Instead they use the very typical S.I.N tactic. Switch the topic, Ignore the facts, and Name call.
Remember fellow conservatives... all that the left has is the SIN tactic. if you can look past that you can see through the fog, directly to the heart of the debate. Smaller government or larger government, PERIOD.


American Thinker Blog: Huckabee declines to run

The Pelosi-Obama Policies: Campaign 2012

Zo Nation Speaks.

Recently the white house invited the rapper, "common" to perform. This was met with many conservatives pointing out his hatefulness toward George W. Bush and also some of his poetry that was downright disgusting, of course it's only disgusting to us  conservatives. We must remember that there is another approach to the world. It's called liberalism...

The main difference between the two mindsets is our approach to the world. One is based more in logic and the other is based more in creativity. I'll let Zo explain this point he has made in this next video. If you don't know who Zo is, your are surely missing out. He's a conservative who  has a major creative side. And he's gotten better with age.
