
Top 10 Ronald Regan Moments #3

The Countdown Continues... Finally!

So, of course, the events of Sunday foiled all attempts I made in getting back into the Regan countdown. As you return readers know, we have been counting down the top 10 Regan moments so as a re-cap I am leaving a link to each one below.

#10, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5, and #4.

The oval office holds great gravitas. That was something Regan understood and used quite often. So I thought this clip embodied a piece of what was best from those "fireside chats". In this clip he re-states his love of America. Not just because it's a great place to live and he really likes being president. Rather it was because of her people. It was because our example is of the high calling of our daily work. Here he explains how real and lasting change doesn't come from the top down. REAL change, comes from us, it comes from the dinner table, and it comes from knowing who we are.

Focus Group Declairs Herman Cain Winner of First Debate

Too early to tell?

I know what you may be thinking... It's way too early to tell anything... and none of these people will end up receiving the nomination. But I find focus groups fun and Frank Luntz is one of the best so... well see what you think. Here he is Post debate.


Low-Lifes Bum Rush Convenience Store

Just look at the smiles on their faces...

This comes from a root disrespect for laws in general and generation after generation of feeling like the victim. I guess all I can say is thank god no one was hurt. This has become almost an epidemic in this country and is happening more and more... it's high time law abiding citizens start fighting back when possible. And where are the leaders in the black community condemning this behavior. No that isn't a racist statement MSNBC, it's a question. It's a question from a concerned father who is watching his country fall apart day after day.

Boehner: Time to talk trillions - The Hill's On The Money

Boehner: Time to talk trillions - The Hill's On The Money

Trumka Engages in Class Warfare Again

AFL-CIO leader puts his worse foot forward.

He explains that he believes that unions are being targeted for destruction. How right I wish he were. I am a union member of a private sector union, and have found the posturing and demonizing from some of these frequent visitors to the White House as abhorrent. That laws are being passed to make it mandatory to show a drivers license when voting... How terrible!!! Here he explains how these lawmakers that are "non-progressive" will bankrupt them. We can only hope!

1 Month Shorter School Year?

Has it really come to this?

California Considers Shorter School Year

So... in a move yesterday, Gov. of CA Jerry Brown announced with other law makers that there is a real possibility that the next school year would have to be cut by 20 school days. Are you like me and are wondering just why in the heck they always are playing the same card, in order to raise taxes. See, I live in California and for years it has always been the same argument. If we don't raise "revenue" the kids will suffer. OR, If you don't vote for X then the prisons will close and we will hire murderers and pedophiles to teach your children. It's a red herring and I for one will not fall for this ever again. There are more services programs and freebies that can be cut. They know it... I know it... and you know it.

U.S. Flag burned in protest in Pakistan.

Protests Grow 3 days after Bin Laden Raid

The Daily Mail had the report this morning... How sick is this group of people that they don't even see that they weep for the very people that would throw them in a wood chipper if it meant they could achieve their goals. the thing I find most distressful is that so many in the Muslim world cannot differentiate between their religion and their political ideology. Maximum freedom is the ONLY right answer for ANY society.

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories

These were the angry scenes across Pakistan today as Muslims staged protests against the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
Hundreds of people marched through Multan, burning U.S. flags and waving placards as they warned the terrorist's death could produce many more radical figures to take his place.
It comes after crowds of weeping mourners were pictured offering funeral prayers for the Al Qaeda mastermind.

Hate: Pakistani men burn a U.S. flag during angry protests at the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Multan
Tears for a terrorist: Supporters of the religious party Jamatut Dawa weep while offering funeral prayers for Bin Laden in Karachi

Warning: The protesters claimed the Al Qaeda mastermind's death would produce many more radical terroristsGrief: Tears for the terrorist
Grief for Bin Laden


10 Facts About You

1.You're reading this right now
2.You're realizing that is a stupid fact

4.You didn't notice I skipped #3
5.You're checking right now
6.You're smiling
7.You're still reading this even though it's stupid
9.You didn't realize I skipped #8
10.You're checking it again and smiling because you fell for it again
11.You're enjoying this
12.You didn't realize that there is only supposed to be 10 facts

The Bin Laden Aftermath

America is Reeling After 2 Days of Huge Stories.

    So as you most definitely have seen, over the past 2 days, there has been a glut of information out there to cover on Bin Laden. You, no doubt, have been looking for as many opinions as possible and there is no shortage to be sure. Some have asked what my personally held opinions are and even though that is what the daily posting blog is for, I have not shared how this development effects me in so many words.
    I see this as I'm sure most Americans do. As a necessary step in the war on terror overseas contingency program. We had to find him, and he HAD TO pay the ultimate price. I, like many others, was disturbed when I saw people dancing and yelling in the streets. This was unavoidable to be sure. We were all looking for a win. ALL OF US. From the progressives in society to conservatives. America needed to be on top... if even for a moment. So I get it, the gut reaction to celebrate, I get! I just want us all to see that this only a necessary evil and nothing more.
    We should not take our eyes off the battles that loom before us on the budget, and the 3 wars that continue to put our troops in harms way. We still, even after UBL is dead, have a long way to go. I want to officially thank this administration for getting something right. They trusted the experts on the ground and followed the correct path. The respect I have for the military has never been higher. Once again they have proved that they are truly the best in the world. God Speed gentlemen... Hurry home!

Someone Special: The Making of a US Navy SEAL

Bin Laden Raid Photos Leak Out

Video Shows Politics Being Played With UBL Death

Why now Mr. President... 

I don't suppose this is a political football for you? Did you really need a bump in the polls that bad? Ground zero is not a place where you do a touchdown dance. I'm glad you got him...I truly am... thank you to the brave men who carried out that mission... but doing a victory lap tomorrow is tasteless beyond mention! I think a little perspective is in order here... 300 people died that day and their murderer was sentenced to death, and that sentence was executed. No excuse for dancing in the streets or spiking the ball.

UPDATE!!!! 5/5/11

Obama snubs 9/11 families at Ground Zero today

OBL was a pothead?

OBL was a pothead?

Harry Reid Alienates %60 of America, yet again.

Open mouth insert foot.

In this clip Harry restates how glib he truly is about all things Tea Party. His point of view is that we, the tea party, want to shut down the government. Well I don't want to speak for too many people but from what I have heard at rallies is that all we want is for government to live within it's means. Raising the debt ceiling is a temporary fix to a complex problem and simply saying that Marco Rubio wants to shut down the government is terribly irresponsible. But it is Harry we are talking about here.

GOP presses Obama to get specific - The Hill's On The Money

GOP presses Obama to get specific - The Hill's On The Money

Remember not to take your eyes off of the ball... the budget talks are looming and while I commend the administration for getting Bin Laden... OUR fiscal house needs to be in order again!


WTF Moment of the day 5/3/11

Pittsburgh Steelers Star Rashard Mendenhall Decries Bin Laden Death Celebrations; Tweets Truther Nonsense!

America's Game: 1974 Steelers

Whoops! Osama/Obama Media Blunders

It sounds like there is an epidemic going around...

Conservatives Win Big in Canada

Conservatives Win Big in Canada

Unions Discuss Driving Non Union Businesses out of the Market.

Oh and they talked about breakfast too!

2 names come to mind, Cloward and Piven. If you aren't familiar with the Cloward and Piven strategy you can follow this link and watch a video on it.... but what you see here is an attempt to overwhelm non union companies with lawsuits in order to do the "important work" of "organizing".


Allen West Strikes Again

Allen West on the Neal Cavuto Show

A Missing Link in Leadership: The Trial of LTC Allen West

Meet Thaddeus McCotter

A Great Triumph is only our New Beginning

Thaddeus McCotter is someone I am a big fan of. He is outspoken, an accomplished statesman, and plays the bass guitar. This snippet is coming to you on a day where some of us may be thinking we have beaten Al Qaeda back to their caves. But as evident by the moments of yesterdays Seal 6 raid in Pakistan we can see that there is still a sophisticated network of crazy people out there that hate the fact that I am allowed to call them crazy. They hate our way of life and they are not just a bunch of goat-herders. They live in large mansions in major cities, and this clip puts that argument into frame beautifully.