
Top 10 Ronald Regan Moments #7

Leadership embodied during a tenuous time.

When I was a kid, in a galaxy far far away, there was a  special day in science class. A day when we were allowed to watch the live launch of the Challenger space shuttle. We were rapt with anticipation on watching the rocket shoot through the sky and disappear into space. Everyone gathered around and the teacher wheeled in the t.v. There was what seemed like and infinity that passed before the countdown reached 0:00 and the rocket screamed to life. A seemingly atomic explosion that, to my young mind, was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed. about 30 seconds into the flight... well, I like to think of the time before the miss hap. The time when the world was full of magic and America could do ANYTHING because, well, because we are Americans. Someone needed to set us all straight again. Americans can still do ANYTHING. But not just because we are Americans, because we are free...

AND NOW please enjoy  #7

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