
Expose` Shows Illegal Aliens Robing Your Newborn!

Not a joke, and not o.k. There has to be more accountability for law enforcement to track these "people" down. They break the law coming into this country...that's bad enough. But then they go after children that aren't even born yet in order to get a home loan or car loan they have no legal right to. And the thing is, now I want to go check on all 5 of my kids and make sure this isn't already a big problem for them.

Thank you to the Today show for getting this one on film...


BREAKING NEWS!!! 5/12/11

Fox News is reporting that the house has voted to approve a bill that would lift the oil drilling moratorium.


Mother Injects 8 Year Old With Botox!

The Left Throwing yet Another Grenade

The tactics of the left on display again. Remember the left uses tactics not values and principals, when they make arguments. It's referred to as the S.I.N. tactic, and you will see it throughout most of the videos I will bring you. It's evident in this clip as well as many others, where the left will Switch the topic... Ignore the facts... and Name call. Here Mathews tells us that just because some have wanted the photos of Bin Laden, post seal raid, released. Somehow those people like war and death and destruction (name call). Ignoring the fact that a lot of the pressure has come from lefties. And switching the topic from what Pakistan knew and the status of Al Qeada.

To put into perspective her values, and if they meet up with yours here she is on healthcare


The Day the Dollar Died

Hyperinflation Imagined

O.K. readers I came across this video, and I found it interesting, if not a bit scary. It is a possible scenario, yes. Albeit unlikely... The reason it has so much credence is because it does involve this corrupt government and it's crazy spending ways. It's not too crazy if you think about it. All it would take is a continuation of the current federal reserve policies, including Quantitative Easing. Remember, preparation is the key. Have a plan, and check off your checklist. Even if this never happens you'll be able to survive a natural disaster.

The Hill Newspaper

The House Intelligence Committee chairman said on Wednesday that Congress must not cut — but rather boost — funding for U.S. intelligence agencies in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing, insisting now is the time to “break” al Qaeda’s back. 

Rep. Mike Rogers (Mich.), one of the few lawmakers kept apprised of the covert Navy SEALs mission in the days prior to it, called the killing of bin Laden a victory, but cautioned against becoming complacent or overconfident.   
“Al Qaeda is alive and well; they are hurt; they are damaged. Their inspirational and operational leader has been taken off the battlefield, which is a huge opportunity for us,” Rogers said, speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “This is the time to step on the gas and break their back.”
   Rogers said U.S. intelligence agencies – such as the Central Intelligence Agency, the office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency  – have made great strides at gathering, analyzing, and sharing intelligence in the decade since 9/11. But he said much work remains. 
   And while troubled U.S. economy provides a reason for fiscal restraint, Rogers said cutting back intelligence budgets would turn back the progress made so far.
 “This is the wrong time to back off on funding the intelligence community, when they are very close to technological breakthroughs that will make our analytical products exponentially better by giving analysts access to far more information,” he said.
“It’s one of the few line items you’ll see this year coming out of the House that will be a slight increase."
   Rogers said the committee was able to trim back some of the agency budgets by finding some areas of duplication and programs that could be consolidated. Those cost-savings, he said, will help pay for increased funding that will go toward technological growth.

To summarize my feelings on this story... I know that we are in a very tough situation economically. I know that it is also important for the United States to keep it's boot on the neck of Al Qaeda. But I must come down on the side of the money. #1, There is no credible link to tons of government spending, and catching Bin Laden. #2 This feels like another excuse to raise spending, and they are using a typical Republican soft spot to get it done. And #3 When I said smaller government, I meant it! No matter the cost EVERYTHING must be cut, my children can't afford it anymore!


Obama: Deniability Man

Obama: Deniability Man

Chris Wallace Asks the Penultimate Question

And doesn't get a very good answer....

Ever have a big fish on the line, and watch him wriggle and struggle? Well in this clip we watch White House National Security Advisor, Tom Donilon do just that. He is asked.... well I'll just let this clip speak for itself... enjoy.

Citizen Journalist Arrested For Video Taping Cop

What constitutes interfering with a police investigation?

Some questions are being raised in Wahpeton about illegal searches and seizures. A 17-year old aspiring journalist was video taped being arrested for what he claims no reason, or probable cause then posted the video online.

Government Steps Over The Line Again!

Government Regulation: Lemonade Day Gone Wrong

So a friend of mine saw a story today and knew immediately that it was for me. For years now government has been finding more and more ways to intrude in our lives, under the purview of "saving us" from ourselves. No kid can be trusted to make and sell lemonade in their yard anymore. Because there may be an accident of some kind. No longer can an industrious 11 year old make some money in the summer and learn about capitalism. Well unless it's on the one day of the year that the government says it's O.K. Magically nothing can possibly go wrong on that day!!!! But instead of giving the whole story away CLICK HERE to learn what happened first hand!

Yemeni Man Shouts 'Allahu Akbar' and Storms the Cockpit.

And the media covers it up....


Breaking News 5-9-11

Gingrich is on the Run...

So whatever your opinion is about him or how you feel about his elect-ability, he's in. No exploratory committees, no waffling... Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich announced today that he would formally announce his candidacy for President on Wednesday, using Facebook and Twitter. 

Only a few minutes later, Gingrich said via Twitter, “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT. I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.”  That wasn't the formal announcement – it was just a little tease to let us know that Wednesday will be the big day, when the really high-voltage Tweets are rolled out.  It took a while for him to make his decision, but now that he’s made it, he’s just chomping at the bit!

On his lively Facebook page, Gingrich said, “I have been humbled by all the encouragement you have given me to run.  Thank you for your support.”

Now the odd thing to me is that he didn't "announce"... he announced announcing. To me that's a tiny bit silly, but hey, no big deal... good luck Mr. Speaker!

Arizona Taking Immigration Laws To The Supreme Court

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has announced that the state's controversial immigration laws will be taken before the Supreme Court, and that the state's appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision will be lodged before the July 11th deadline.

I don't think that anyone was surprised by the 9th Circuit's decision, though they have couched it terms that said enforcement of Immigration is in the sole enforcement purview of the Federal government. Thus, they have ruled that the Arizona Legislation is unconstitutional. It's an interesting, if flawed, opinion.

Arizona's more pragmatic response is that the Federal Government has patently failed to stop the problem, and they are aiming to reduce the Federal burden in the matter by actually enforcing the law. A radical concept, to say the least.

I am certain that other states are keeping an eye on this battle before getting down from fence-sitting positions. We'll be keeping an eye on this one.

Thanks for tuning in folks to my first guest post here at You Can't Handle The Truth. Visit my blog: News By Counterfett

Poll: Obama up in swing-state Va. - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Looks like the bounce is mainly coming from Bin Laden, Which we all expected... I have a feeling he will have a very hard time holding on to that bounce. But the point is that we should most definitely be watching his poll numbers. There should be concern enough at this point to want a man like Allen West or Chris Christie to get involved in this race... if Obama's poll numbers keep growing, the republic won't survive... the entitlement class will grow and grow, and they will continue to vote for more and more of your money.

American Thinker Blog: Van Jones Targets Trump, Lil' John and Star Jones

Wow this guy is a committed racist!!! Just because they are black they will automatically agree with him!

American Thinker Blog: Van Jones Targets Trump, Lil' John and Star Jones

Internet boom 2.0

Internet boom 2.0


Happy Mothers Day!

To all the moms out there including my mother and my wife. 

I would like to send a fond Happy mama day, as we call it here in my house. Being a mother is no easy task. The job my wife does with our 5 beautiful children is not only unpaid, but in today's world is roundly unappreciated. Mothers are the ones that hold a family together. Much more than fathers, the day to day getting things done and making sure we all look good and smell good is her job. She kisses hurt knees and tirelessly rocks them to sleep. She tells them stories and says she loves the silly picture they drew, because she knows how good that makes them feel. I know many times in this blog I have mentioned how the soldier is the best of us. But... on this day, we must remember that those brave men and women are only who they are because of a mother.