
We Get The Country We Deserve

Many times in my life I've heard this phrase."We get the country we deserve". Living here in California you are subjected to this reality on a daily basis. You see in this state everywhere you turn there is a new law or regulation to control your behavior. Maybe you own a home and want to put up an awning in the backyard, you're gonna need a permit for it. If you run a business, you had better be very careful about the height of your paper towels because if it's too high you'll be sued out of existence by people who make it their job exploiting the ADA (Americans with Disability Act).
We here in California have been dealing with this over-litigious new world for a long time now. So long in fact that we are only slightly surprised when a man walks into the ocean in a suicidal mood, and because of some policy inside the Alameda Fire Department, everyone stands around and watches him stand out there, in the water. They stand for hours watching him stand in the water up to his neck. They stand there as he slips into unconsciousness. They stand there while he begins to float face down, dead and or dying. They also stand there, the police and fire department, watching as a 20 year old nurse wades into the water and pulls him back to shore.
So here we are America, with the country we have "asked" for. Lawyers and bureaucrats run our lives, and tell us what to do and how to do it. In the case of the firefighters, the reason they give for not going into the water, they were not certified in water rescue training because it wasn't in the budget. I want to believe that they would never just let someone drown to prove a political point. I also know, that the left will stop at nothing to "creatively" nudge you. I don't put it past them to at least look the other way from a tragedy in order to secure the funding they so desire.
The only answer to this problem is smaller government. We must slowly start to peel back the layers of bureaucracy. We must stay involved and stay informed. And most of all we must show our friends and neighbors stories like this. Highlighting the negative effects of a simple axiom... a government large enough to give you everything you need, is also large enough to take away everything you have.  


  1. Agreed. When you have full-time legislators, you have full-time legislation. You have day after day of ambitious career politicians trying to make a name for themselves by creating new laws and regulations years upon years. Governments never enable. They only restrict. What is needed is a moritorium on new legislation while we roll back the legal detritous from dreamers trying to legislate Utopia. My God where do we begin to put this unwieldy govt machine on a meager budget? I honestly don't know how or where to start. No one with radically conservative ideals it seems is electable. Where is the movement? What is it's name?

  2. I couldn't agree more, we do need that movement more now than we have in 200 years. I want to believe that is what the tea party represents... we have to keep attending meetings and represent ourselves and change it from within... thanks for your comment!!!
