
You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

*10 Cents Too Much To Pay To Be President*

    Some people would spend every cent they had to be nominated for the U.S. Presidency. Not Zachary Taylor.When the Whig party nominated him as their presidential candidate in early June 1848, their letter officially notifying him carried no postage. When it reached Taylor's home he refused to pay the ten cents postage due. It was not until July that Taylor learned he was the Whig candidate.
    Actually, the post office had issued it's first stamp only a year before Taylor's nomination, in 1847. Before that time, and continuing for a time afterwards, mail was paid by the recipient. Taylor, one of America's great heroes in the Mexican war, received volumes of of postage-due mail from across the country. Rather than pay a small fortune on unsolicited mail from total strangers, the hero of the Battle of Buena Vista routinely refused most of his mail. Thus, when the Whig presidential nomination letter came, it was turned away unread. Taylor, of course, won the Presidency in November 1848. He was the last Whig to ever be elected President.

Source: Joseph Kane, Facts about the Presidents, 2d ed. (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1968), p.83.

O'Reilly Proposes 'Beer Summit' for Ingraham and Schultz

I'm not sure if you caught it, but Ed Schultz (Liberal talk show host) said some pretty offensive things yesterday about Laura Ingraham (Conservative talk show host). See the video below if you missed it (nsfw).
Well today on his t.v. show, Bill O'Reilly proposed a way to get these two kids together.

This is what Ed was suspended for saying.

Pre-Friday Fun....

Ok so this episode of "Louder with Crowder" isn't nearly as informative as the last one (net neutrality). But it's worth playing for a good laugh...


The Tax-Payer is Not a Money Tree

So many have been talking about Chris and the possibility that he may run for President. God how I wish it were true.
Frankly I gotta say that I don't think he will. He is in the middle of the fight in New Jersey with the teachers union to (somehow) fix the tremendous failure that state has brought down on themselves in public education.
I have a feeling that he believes he is the only one that can finish this fight. Just so you know, he may be right. He understands the problem and knows what to do to fix it. I'm not sure there are many other principled men or women that are willing to step into this fight.
Here he is once again... fighting the good fight.

WTF Moment of the day 5/25/11

The Birth of the Ministry of Truth

Good morning dear readers and welcome to the middle. On today's show we bring you the story of the founding of the ministry of truth. It seems as thought the Orwellian Obama administration has found yet another way to look like they get their governance ideas  from a magic 8 ball. 

There was a problem, in their mind, that there was too much damaging info out on the web. So what's the solution... why not a truth czar! That's right, in a stunning move President Obama has appointed Jesse Lee to be its new "Director of Progressive Media & Online Response." His sole function will be to provide rapid response to negative stories about the administration.

I happily await the "online response" to this story!


Crowder Strikes Again!

In todays episode Steven tackles the complicated fight against "net neutrality" I think this video distills the argument the best I have yet to see, so please... ENJOY!


Herman Cain Makes it Official

As you can most likely tell... so far, I am a supporter of Herman's. I have... as most of you have... been watching the potential presidential nominees closely. I have found some to be lacking in charisma and Ron Paul is a bit too out there for my taste. And until Rep. Allen West announces he is in, I really must say the Herman Cain is the right choice at the right time.
Every time I watch this guy speak I realize just how well he gets this tea party conservative movement. I see a man who has made his way through the corporate world. He is a fiscal conservative to the bone and does not seem to me to be a progressive in any way. These are the things I am looking for in a candidate.
Mitt Romney is way to progressive for me, and it doesn't look like Sarah will run. And Chris Christie refuses to throw his hat into the ring.
I am finding things I like about Tim Pawlenty as well, but again, I see a major need for someone who is outspoken and charismatic. Plus the fact that Herman Cain is a brother doesn't hurt. There is a large contingent of the Democratic voting base that will only vote for Obama because of the color of his skin. This is a group something Herman Cain could cut in to.
All in all he seems to me to be someone worth backing and I hope I am right. Trust me I'll be watching him closely in the coming debates.
Oh and P.S. I think Michelle Bachmann would make a perfect tap for vice president.

Leadership That People Are Hungry For.

Paul Ryan is an emerging star in the conservative movement. He has proposed a budgetary solution to our debt and deficit issues which many have had issues with. It tackles entitlement spending in a whole new way, and as someone who is young still and far off from retirement, I know how important it is to redo the major entitlements and bring them in to a realm of fiscal sanity. As things are today, there will be nothing left for myself OR my children. SO... I know it may not be a perfect proposal, nothing ever is, but at least it's an attempt to do what we put these clowns in Washington to do! For Mr. Ryan's part in this he is asked by David Gregory practically the same question as Newt was a week ago and he, at least in my opinion, handles it the way a true conservative should.

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Top 10 Ronald Regan moments #1

The Top 10 Conclusion...

First take a fond look back at the rest of the countdown.

#10, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5#4, #3 and #2

As most of you have seen, for 2 weeks now I have been counting down the top 10 moments of Ronald Regan's Political career. Today I bring you the #1 moment, in my humble opinion.

I have eluded to the impossibility of this task before, there is honestly no way to really do this without a ton of disagreement. 

But here goes anyway...

Regan was a man I agreed with in many ways. He felt America was great because her people are good. He saw the need for a small responsive Federal government. And believed in the power of the Constitution. 

There were times during his presidency when the country needed a leader, we saw that leadership come out the night following the Challenger disaster. There were times when Regan was the man at the fore front of the idea of global freedom, taking those ideas to the soviet union and asking Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall of oppression.

Many of his detractors will tell you he was a hypocrite, they will tell you he was not a man of high ideals. But frankly, as we have shown, he was neither. He was a man that believed in certain principals and governed based on those. He was plain spoken and full of confidence. 

Most of his life and political career can be traced back to a single moment.A single speech even. During a televised campaign address for the Barry Goldwater presidential campaign. In this speech he highlights many things, a few of which you have heard in other clips. I'm guessing most of you have not heard the whole thing though. Enjoy now, in it's entirety, "A Time For Choosing" The Ronald Regan #1 moment.