America is Reeling After 2 Days of Huge Stories.
So as you most definitely have seen, over the past 2 days, there has been a glut of information out there to cover on Bin Laden. You, no doubt, have been looking for as many opinions as possible and there is no shortage to be sure. Some have asked what my personally held opinions are and even though that is what the daily posting blog is for, I have not shared how this development effects me in so many words.
I see this as I'm sure most Americans do. As a necessary step in the
We should not take our eyes off the battles that loom before us on the budget, and the 3 wars that continue to put our troops in harms way. We still, even after UBL is dead, have a long way to go. I want to officially thank this administration for getting something right. They trusted the experts on the ground and followed the correct path. The respect I have for the military has never been higher. Once again they have proved that they are truly the best in the world. God Speed gentlemen... Hurry home!
Someone Special: The Making of a US Navy SEAL