So whatever your opinion is about him or how you feel about his elect-ability, he's in. No exploratory committees, no waffling... Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich announced today that he would formally announce his candidacy for President on Wednesday, using Facebook and Twitter.
Only a few minutes later, Gingrich said via Twitter, “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT. I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.” That wasn't the formal announcement – it was just a little tease to let us know that Wednesday will be the big day, when the really high-voltage Tweets are rolled out. It took a while for him to make his decision, but now that he’s made it, he’s just chomping at the bit!
On his lively Facebook page, Gingrich said, “I have been humbled by all the encouragement you have given me to run. Thank you for your support.”
Now the odd thing to me is that he didn't "announce"... he announced announcing. To me that's a tiny bit silly, but hey, no big deal... good luck Mr. Speaker!
Newt Gingrich just wants another opportunity to cheat on his new wife with an intern just like the TRUMP did or does, the only difference is that Newt buys American unlike the DONALD who can't handle the made in the US label.