
Stay Vigilant

I know it's Friday, and all most of us want to do is watch a little basketball, eat some greasy food, and sleep in. But remember, dear patriots, that on the other side of the globe they are wide awake. They march in the streets spewing hatred for America. They say that there will be no peace until there is peace in "Palestine". They say that Osama lives on in each of their sons, that he lives on in their hearts. They look at him as a man who was finally able to do something that none of the rest of them could not do, "bring America to it's knees". We all know that the only reason the American population ever went to it's knee on 9-11 and 9-12 2001, was to pray. But the difference between us and them is that we chose. We chose to forgive, and never forget. We chose retribution for acts of unspeakable evil. And we chose, at least for a time, to not be silent.
I'm not saying that I would have you spend any of this weekend chanting in the streets, or organizing trips to the middle east to pick a fight. But what I am hoping to get across today, is that just because we got our pound of flesh from Osama, that doesn't mean we have beaten back the group of people that would kill us all and ask questions later.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. We all should keep the patriotic spirit within our hearts.
