Janet Napolitano: Using Common Sense is Not Good Logic
Two days ago Janet Napolitano was answering questions at a press conference. There was a question asking her if there should be more common sense used in screening of airplane passengers. That maybe just maybe we should try and focus on Muslim men under 35... for instance.
I know what your thinking... that's racist... OK maybe you weren't thinking that, but she was. She sees this much different than most normal thinking people. She believes it is more likely that we will some how catch a terrorist easier if we watch their travel patterns... that a Muslim man under 35 has no real, "look" to him. You will notice that most of us are not even asking for Muslim women under 35 to be looked at, so it can't be racist. You see there is a certain number of people out there who think they know better than you and I, and that we should just sit down and shut up, and that our common sense solutions to major global problems are too simple and would never work. If she was so sure of that, she would not have said um or uh 31 times in the one minute and 27 seconds.
I know what your thinking... that's racist... OK maybe you weren't thinking that, but she was. She sees this much different than most normal thinking people. She believes it is more likely that we will some how catch a terrorist easier if we watch their travel patterns... that a Muslim man under 35 has no real, "look" to him. You will notice that most of us are not even asking for Muslim women under 35 to be looked at, so it can't be racist. You see there is a certain number of people out there who think they know better than you and I, and that we should just sit down and shut up, and that our common sense solutions to major global problems are too simple and would never work. If she was so sure of that, she would not have said um or uh 31 times in the one minute and 27 seconds.
Debbie is at it again!
Every time I turn around is seems like Debbie Wassermann-Schultz is stepping in it again. Amazingly enough they still allow her to get in front of microphones all the time...
Rush Limbaugh Doesn't Want Tony Weiner to Resign
Speaking for himself only today, Rush goes on a 10 minute rant on Anthony Weiner and his current predicament. And surprisingly enough he says that he would like to see Anthony not resign. He says amongst other things that he likes the idea of Weiner being in congress because while in office he remains one of the main faces of the Democrat party, and helps to drag it down. I have never found myself disagreeing with Rush, and I won't start now. Frankly, he does make a lot of sense. He asserts the hypocritical way he backs causes, and votes, that policy wise he is despicable.
He voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors for abortions 4/2005 NO on banning partial birth abortions except to save the mothers life 10/2003 He voted YES on 192 Billion dollars additional stimulus spending...
Mr. Limbaugh makes a fine point and I for one may be beginning to back this cause... ENJOY!
He voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors for abortions 4/2005 NO on banning partial birth abortions except to save the mothers life 10/2003 He voted YES on 192 Billion dollars additional stimulus spending...
Mr. Limbaugh makes a fine point and I for one may be beginning to back this cause... ENJOY!
Consider Yourself Busted!
In today's episode:
-- Unemployment rises
-- House rebukes Obama on Libya
-- Dr. Kervorkian dead
-- German e coli from cucumbers?
-- Blago: I wanted to be Senator to find Bin Laden
-- Obama, Boehner to golf together
-- 'Miracle on the Hudson' pilot to anchor CBS News show
-- NJ barber bites off customer's ear
Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media
-- Unemployment rises
-- House rebukes Obama on Libya
-- Dr. Kervorkian dead
-- German e coli from cucumbers?
-- Blago: I wanted to be Senator to find Bin Laden
-- Obama, Boehner to golf together
-- 'Miracle on the Hudson' pilot to anchor CBS News show
-- NJ barber bites off customer's ear
Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media
Nancy Skinner Drunk on Kool Aid
This Exchange on Fox is very interesting. Even though Nancy Skinner appears to be under the influence of a substance, I would personally like to look past that. Because frankly I don't know that it makes a difference. The interesting part here is that it seems most Democrats are going to speak as though all of our lives are better now than they were in 2009. I ask you that question now, would you say that you are better off now than 3 years ago? I won't answer for myself, I'll await your comments on it. Now to the story at hand.
It does seem to me that Nancy has, at the very least, been imbibing a little bit. Whether she is high or drunk or whatever, she absolutely has a problem with being able to get a sentence out. To me it sounds a little like she drank a bit too much Kool Aid, but I'll let you be the judge... Enjoy!
It does seem to me that Nancy has, at the very least, been imbibing a little bit. Whether she is high or drunk or whatever, she absolutely has a problem with being able to get a sentence out. To me it sounds a little like she drank a bit too much Kool Aid, but I'll let you be the judge... Enjoy!
Breitbart Does the Right Thing
Forgive me but I must smile seeing what has happened to Anthony over the last few days...but...well he dug his own grave.
Weiner: 'I haven't told the truth'
Speaking to the press assembled at a Sheraton Hotel in New York City, Anthony Weiner admitted he did send the notorious crotch photo to a Seattle coed Published by Andrew Breitbart on BigGovernment.com. "I haven't told the truth," he averred.
"I deeply regret what I have done and I am not resigning. I have made it clear I am accepting responsibility for this."
However, the Congressman, now exposed as a liar, refuses to resign. Asked by the press if he apologizes to Breitbart, he spoke of apologizing to his wife in particular and to others, but omitted naming Breitbart, who was accused of Weiner's allies of fabricating a hoax. Prior to Weiner speaking, Andrew Breitbart took the podium in the hotel ballroom, and demanded an apology. Consequently, the reporters pressed Weiner on whether he apologized to Breitbart specifically. After 2 evasions about apologizing to "everybody," he finally uttered the magic words, "I apologize to Andrew Breitbart."
He admitted to exchanging photos of an explicit nature with about 6 women, including after his marriage.
Clearly the lying Congressman hopes to continue his political career. Will the Democrats want liar to serve as their attack dog?
The liberal media will now maintain the scandal is over and hope it goes away.
Debbie Does Sound Bytes
Wolf Blitzer interviewed Debbie Wassermann Schultz on CNN about the Anthony Weiner scandal. She is reduced to making a one sentence answer, over and over just to avoid making a bad sound byte. The problem is that the democrats seem to have zero morals and are never held to a higher standard. Instead they lie over and over again and when the lies start to get called out, they revert to this inane type of "I have no idea what you're talking about" style of interviewing. It hearkens back to the days of the Bill Clinton scandal in my humble opinion. I wonder if she has been so forgiving to all of the Republican senators and congress people who have had their own scandals during her tenure in Congress, for some reason I doubt it.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Moment of the Day 6/04/11
Richard Gere was interviewed by CNS news and was asked about his opinion of the President... Boy I just loved all of the specifics in his answer!
We Get The Country We Deserve
Many times in my life I've heard this phrase."We get the country we deserve". Living here in California you are subjected to this reality on a daily basis. You see in this state everywhere you turn there is a new law or regulation to control your behavior. Maybe you own a home and want to put up an awning in the backyard, you're gonna need a permit for it. If you run a business, you had better be very careful about the height of your paper towels because if it's too high you'll be sued out of existence by people who make it their job exploiting the ADA (Americans with Disability Act).
We here in California have been dealing with this over-litigious new world for a long time now. So long in fact that we are only slightly surprised when a man walks into the ocean in a suicidal mood, and because of some policy inside the Alameda Fire Department, everyone stands around and watches him stand out there, in the water. They stand for hours watching him stand in the water up to his neck. They stand there as he slips into unconsciousness. They stand there while he begins to float face down, dead and or dying. They also stand there, the police and fire department, watching as a 20 year old nurse wades into the water and pulls him back to shore.
So here we are America, with the country we have "asked" for. Lawyers and bureaucrats run our lives, and tell us what to do and how to do it. In the case of the firefighters, the reason they give for not going into the water, they were not certified in water rescue training because it wasn't in the budget. I want to believe that they would never just let someone drown to prove a political point. I also know, that the left will stop at nothing to "creatively" nudge you. I don't put it past them to at least look the other way from a tragedy in order to secure the funding they so desire.
The only answer to this problem is smaller government. We must slowly start to peel back the layers of bureaucracy. We must stay involved and stay informed. And most of all we must show our friends and neighbors stories like this. Highlighting the negative effects of a simple axiom... a government large enough to give you everything you need, is also large enough to take away everything you have.
We here in California have been dealing with this over-litigious new world for a long time now. So long in fact that we are only slightly surprised when a man walks into the ocean in a suicidal mood, and because of some policy inside the Alameda Fire Department, everyone stands around and watches him stand out there, in the water. They stand for hours watching him stand in the water up to his neck. They stand there as he slips into unconsciousness. They stand there while he begins to float face down, dead and or dying. They also stand there, the police and fire department, watching as a 20 year old nurse wades into the water and pulls him back to shore.
So here we are America, with the country we have "asked" for. Lawyers and bureaucrats run our lives, and tell us what to do and how to do it. In the case of the firefighters, the reason they give for not going into the water, they were not certified in water rescue training because it wasn't in the budget. I want to believe that they would never just let someone drown to prove a political point. I also know, that the left will stop at nothing to "creatively" nudge you. I don't put it past them to at least look the other way from a tragedy in order to secure the funding they so desire.
The only answer to this problem is smaller government. We must slowly start to peel back the layers of bureaucracy. We must stay involved and stay informed. And most of all we must show our friends and neighbors stories like this. Highlighting the negative effects of a simple axiom... a government large enough to give you everything you need, is also large enough to take away everything you have.
Stay Vigilant
I know it's Friday, and all most of us want to do is watch a little basketball, eat some greasy food, and sleep in. But remember, dear patriots, that on the other side of the globe they are wide awake. They march in the streets spewing hatred for America. They say that there will be no peace until there is peace in "Palestine". They say that Osama lives on in each of their sons, that he lives on in their hearts. They look at him as a man who was finally able to do something that none of the rest of them could not do, "bring America to it's knees". We all know that the only reason the American population ever went to it's knee on 9-11 and 9-12 2001, was to pray. But the difference between us and them is that we chose. We chose to forgive, and never forget. We chose retribution for acts of unspeakable evil. And we chose, at least for a time, to not be silent.
I'm not saying that I would have you spend any of this weekend chanting in the streets, or organizing trips to the middle east to pick a fight. But what I am hoping to get across today, is that just because we got our pound of flesh from Osama, that doesn't mean we have beaten back the group of people that would kill us all and ask questions later.
I'm not saying that I would have you spend any of this weekend chanting in the streets, or organizing trips to the middle east to pick a fight. But what I am hoping to get across today, is that just because we got our pound of flesh from Osama, that doesn't mean we have beaten back the group of people that would kill us all and ask questions later.
Friday with Crowder
Hello fellow conservatives, and happy Friday. It's time for us to all relax and catch up with Steven Crowder. Today he tackles the liberal bias in Hollywood with Ben Shapiro.
How About a One State Solution for Israel?
An interesting idea to solve the Middle East debate from PJTV‘s Andrew Klavan:
Bachmann Almost Ready to Run
Rep. Michele Bachmann plans to participate in a presidential debate in New Hampshire this month, a move that further signals the Minnesota Republican expects to be a candidate for the 2012 nomination.
Bachmann will be on stage for the June 13 debate in Manchester, N.H., sponsored by WMUR and CNN, a Bachmann adviser, Andy Parrish, told The Associated Press.
Bachmann has said she will announce her plans this month in Iowa, the state that hosts the leadoff nominating caucuses. She has been laying campaign groundwork in Iowa by hiring senior political staff and scouting campaign office space. She also has traveled to New Hampshire and South Carolina, states scheduled to hold the first two primary elections.
Bachmann has traveled to Iowa four times this year and met with Gov. Terry Branstad, other GOP officials and influential Republican activists such as pastors and home-school advocates. Freshman state Sen. Kent Sorenson is advising Bachmann and is expected to run her caucus campaign.
In another telling sign, Parrish stepped down as Bachmann's congressional chief of staff this week for what he described in an email to staff as "an exciting new position with the congresswoman."
"I'm focusing more now on political things," Parrish told the AP.
Parrish has been a political adviser to Bachmann since 2005, in the early stages of her 2006 election to Congress from the suburban Twin Cities district she represents. But Parrish and Bachmann go back further, to her time in the Minnesota Senate when Parrish was a Republican legislative aide.
Bachmann is among seven Republicans expected to participate in the debate in the leadoff presidential primary state. The others, according to WMUR, are former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
CNN and WMUR plan to announce the debate lineup Friday.
Bachmann appeared to be eying the latter part of June for an announcement in Waterloo, Iowa. She has said she intends to wait until after her youngest child graduates from high school this weekend.
Just-named new editor of NYT explains why Jews are liberal in one sentence.
This is priceless:
Ms. Abramson, 57, said that as a born-and-raised New Yorker, she considered being named editor of The Times to be like "ascending to Valhalla."
"In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion," she said. "If The Times said it, it was the absolute truth."
We're you Jonesing for More Van?
So were you missing Van Jones at all.....
Yeah me neither. But here he is again, today he is calling people who are trying to do something about huge fiscal problems Al Qaeda light.
The main line I hear him say is that the budget proposed would "knock out more critical infrastructure than Al Qaeda ever dreamed of."
The flaw obviously in that logic is that infrastructure is trains, roadways, power/phone lines. Infrastructure is NOT social security or Medicaid!
Yeah me neither. But here he is again, today he is calling people who are trying to do something about huge fiscal problems Al Qaeda light.
The main line I hear him say is that the budget proposed would "knock out more critical infrastructure than Al Qaeda ever dreamed of."
The flaw obviously in that logic is that infrastructure is trains, roadways, power/phone lines. Infrastructure is NOT social security or Medicaid!
Renowned Chef Opens Non-Profit/Christian Restaurant For Homeless & Job Creation
The King's Kitchen
Good morning fellow conservatives, thank you so much for coming back to the blog today. This morning I wanted to pass on a video I found of a man who is trying to make a difference. The American spirit is obvious in him and he shows that individuals, not government, are the answer... and they always have been. I found this story inspiring and I also see it as a great model for others. This type of business is what makes us great as a nation. Ladies and gentlemen... Jim Noble.
Good morning fellow conservatives, thank you so much for coming back to the blog today. This morning I wanted to pass on a video I found of a man who is trying to make a difference. The American spirit is obvious in him and he shows that individuals, not government, are the answer... and they always have been. I found this story inspiring and I also see it as a great model for others. This type of business is what makes us great as a nation. Ladies and gentlemen... Jim Noble.
"Sometimes in life you have to make a distinction between success and significance."
Weinergate and The Media
Stammering the Future
A must read from the amazing brains at "The American Thinker" blog... please to enjoy!
Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner
When reading the news of the day many of us are worried about the potential of a double dip recession. But then again, you and I live in the real world. It's probably not a shock to you that most of the mainstream media is not. How can I tell? Frankly it's because they are so easily "surprised" when the economic woes continue, even though their "messiah" is in office, and Democrats held a super-majority for a short time. I can just see the shock on the faces of the news people as they get ready to read about another drop in home prices. This frankly is why you can't get to wrapped up in government largess as an ideology. At some point that top down style implodes on itself. Enjoy this article from the Washington Examiner on the interesting dichotomy between the mainstream media's response to economic news under Obama versus under Bush.
Memorial Day Regan Moment
As an honorable mention to our top 10 Regan moments, and to celebrate memorial day... we proudly present, President Regan's address at the ceremony commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Normandy invasion, D-day at Point-Du-Hoc.
June 6th 1984.
June 6th 1984.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Moment of the Day 5/30/11
Submitted without comment... save one... someone tell her it's already illegal please....
I have not served in the military...
My father didn't serve, my sister, my wife, her family members. None of us have had the guts (is the the right word) to put our lives on the line for our country. Only one person in my family has, my cousin on my mothers side, and he has said that it was the best and worst time of his life.
I think we take for granted the sacrifice the military lays down for us and our children. I think, if you are like me at all, that you have thought about what it would be like to actually be in an active war-zone. In the thick of it. I have a feeling you would not have made the imagined place the Korengal Valley in the mountains of Afghanistan. Why do I say that? Well frankly it's because most Americans have never even heard of the place.
Basically this is the worse place on earth to try and fight a war. It's a topographical nightmare, and the locals are half Taliban and half innocent goat herders. For most of the people there, the stone age would be 2 steps forward. Yet and still America is fighting them there. On their own soil. And trying to.... what exactly?
Well for it's part the movie "Restrepo" tries to tell that story... I'll let you draw your own conclusions about the need for American troops in Afghanistan now that Bin Laden is dead, but what I will say is that this movie should not be missed, especially if you want a first hand look at what the American soldier is going through.
My father didn't serve, my sister, my wife, her family members. None of us have had the guts (is the the right word) to put our lives on the line for our country. Only one person in my family has, my cousin on my mothers side, and he has said that it was the best and worst time of his life.
I think we take for granted the sacrifice the military lays down for us and our children. I think, if you are like me at all, that you have thought about what it would be like to actually be in an active war-zone. In the thick of it. I have a feeling you would not have made the imagined place the Korengal Valley in the mountains of Afghanistan. Why do I say that? Well frankly it's because most Americans have never even heard of the place.
Basically this is the worse place on earth to try and fight a war. It's a topographical nightmare, and the locals are half Taliban and half innocent goat herders. For most of the people there, the stone age would be 2 steps forward. Yet and still America is fighting them there. On their own soil. And trying to.... what exactly?
Well for it's part the movie "Restrepo" tries to tell that story... I'll let you draw your own conclusions about the need for American troops in Afghanistan now that Bin Laden is dead, but what I will say is that this movie should not be missed, especially if you want a first hand look at what the American soldier is going through.
You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
*10 Cents Too Much To Pay To Be President*
Some people would spend every cent they had to be nominated for the U.S. Presidency. Not Zachary Taylor.When the Whig party nominated him as their presidential candidate in early June 1848, their letter officially notifying him carried no postage. When it reached Taylor's home he refused to pay the ten cents postage due. It was not until July that Taylor learned he was the Whig candidate.
Actually, the post office had issued it's first stamp only a year before Taylor's nomination, in 1847. Before that time, and continuing for a time afterwards, mail was paid by the recipient. Taylor, one of America's great heroes in the Mexican war, received volumes of of postage-due mail from across the country. Rather than pay a small fortune on unsolicited mail from total strangers, the hero of the Battle of Buena Vista routinely refused most of his mail. Thus, when the Whig presidential nomination letter came, it was turned away unread. Taylor, of course, won the Presidency in November 1848. He was the last Whig to ever be elected President.
Source: Joseph Kane, Facts about the Presidents, 2d ed. (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1968), p.83.
O'Reilly Proposes 'Beer Summit' for Ingraham and Schultz
I'm not sure if you caught it, but Ed Schultz (Liberal talk show host) said some pretty offensive things yesterday about Laura Ingraham (Conservative talk show host). See the video below if you missed it (nsfw).
Well today on his t.v. show, Bill O'Reilly proposed a way to get these two kids together.
This is what Ed was suspended for saying.
Well today on his t.v. show, Bill O'Reilly proposed a way to get these two kids together.
This is what Ed was suspended for saying.
Pre-Friday Fun....
Ok so this episode of "Louder with Crowder" isn't nearly as informative as the last one (net neutrality). But it's worth playing for a good laugh...
The Tax-Payer is Not a Money Tree
So many have been talking about Chris and the possibility that he may run for President. God how I wish it were true.
Frankly I gotta say that I don't think he will. He is in the middle of the fight in New Jersey with the teachers union to (somehow) fix the tremendous failure that state has brought down on themselves in public education.
I have a feeling that he believes he is the only one that can finish this fight. Just so you know, he may be right. He understands the problem and knows what to do to fix it. I'm not sure there are many other principled men or women that are willing to step into this fight.
Here he is once again... fighting the good fight.
Frankly I gotta say that I don't think he will. He is in the middle of the fight in New Jersey with the teachers union to (somehow) fix the tremendous failure that state has brought down on themselves in public education.
I have a feeling that he believes he is the only one that can finish this fight. Just so you know, he may be right. He understands the problem and knows what to do to fix it. I'm not sure there are many other principled men or women that are willing to step into this fight.
Here he is once again... fighting the good fight.
The Birth of the Ministry of Truth
Good morning dear readers and welcome to the middle. On today's show we bring you the story of the founding of the ministry of truth. It seems as thought the Orwellian Obama administration has found yet another way to look like they get their governance ideas from a magic 8 ball.
There was a problem, in their mind, that there was too much damaging info out on the web. So what's the solution... why not a truth czar! That's right, in a stunning move President Obama has appointed Jesse Lee to be its new "Director of Progressive Media & Online Response." His sole function will be to provide rapid response to negative stories about the administration.
I happily await the "online response" to this story!
There was a problem, in their mind, that there was too much damaging info out on the web. So what's the solution... why not a truth czar! That's right, in a stunning move President Obama has appointed Jesse Lee to be its new "Director of Progressive Media & Online Response." His sole function will be to provide rapid response to negative stories about the administration.
I happily await the "online response" to this story!
Crowder Strikes Again!
Herman Cain Makes it Official
As you can most likely tell... so far, I am a supporter of Herman's. I have... as most of you have... been watching the potential presidential nominees closely. I have found some to be lacking in charisma and Ron Paul is a bit too out there for my taste. And until Rep. Allen West announces he is in, I really must say the Herman Cain is the right choice at the right time.
Every time I watch this guy speak I realize just how well he gets this tea party conservative movement. I see a man who has made his way through the corporate world. He is a fiscal conservative to the bone and does not seem to me to be a progressive in any way. These are the things I am looking for in a candidate.
Mitt Romney is way to progressive for me, and it doesn't look like Sarah will run. And Chris Christie refuses to throw his hat into the ring.
I am finding things I like about Tim Pawlenty as well, but again, I see a major need for someone who is outspoken and charismatic. Plus the fact that Herman Cain is a brother doesn't hurt. There is a large contingent of the Democratic voting base that will only vote for Obama because of the color of his skin. This is a group something Herman Cain could cut in to.
All in all he seems to me to be someone worth backing and I hope I am right. Trust me I'll be watching him closely in the coming debates.
Oh and P.S. I think Michelle Bachmann would make a perfect tap for vice president.
Every time I watch this guy speak I realize just how well he gets this tea party conservative movement. I see a man who has made his way through the corporate world. He is a fiscal conservative to the bone and does not seem to me to be a progressive in any way. These are the things I am looking for in a candidate.
Mitt Romney is way to progressive for me, and it doesn't look like Sarah will run. And Chris Christie refuses to throw his hat into the ring.
I am finding things I like about Tim Pawlenty as well, but again, I see a major need for someone who is outspoken and charismatic. Plus the fact that Herman Cain is a brother doesn't hurt. There is a large contingent of the Democratic voting base that will only vote for Obama because of the color of his skin. This is a group something Herman Cain could cut in to.
All in all he seems to me to be someone worth backing and I hope I am right. Trust me I'll be watching him closely in the coming debates.
Oh and P.S. I think Michelle Bachmann would make a perfect tap for vice president.
Leadership That People Are Hungry For.
Paul Ryan is an emerging star in the conservative movement. He has proposed a budgetary solution to our debt and deficit issues which many have had issues with. It tackles entitlement spending in a whole new way, and as someone who is young still and far off from retirement, I know how important it is to redo the major entitlements and bring them in to a realm of fiscal sanity. As things are today, there will be nothing left for myself OR my children. SO... I know it may not be a perfect proposal, nothing ever is, but at least it's an attempt to do what we put these clowns in Washington to do! For Mr. Ryan's part in this he is asked by David Gregory practically the same question as Newt was a week ago and he, at least in my opinion, handles it the way a true conservative should.
Top 10 Ronald Regan moments #1
The Top 10 Conclusion...
First take a fond look back at the rest of the countdown.
As most of you have seen, for 2 weeks now I have been counting down the top 10 moments of Ronald Regan's Political career. Today I bring you the #1 moment, in my humble opinion.
I have eluded to the impossibility of this task before, there is honestly no way to really do this without a ton of disagreement.
But here goes anyway...
Regan was a man I agreed with in many ways. He felt America was great because her people are good. He saw the need for a small responsive Federal government. And believed in the power of the Constitution.
There were times during his presidency when the country needed a leader, we saw that leadership come out the night following the Challenger disaster. There were times when Regan was the man at the fore front of the idea of global freedom, taking those ideas to the soviet union and asking Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall of oppression.
Many of his detractors will tell you he was a hypocrite, they will tell you he was not a man of high ideals. But frankly, as we have shown, he was neither. He was a man that believed in certain principals and governed based on those. He was plain spoken and full of confidence.
Most of his life and political career can be traced back to a single moment.A single speech even. During a televised campaign address for the Barry Goldwater presidential campaign. In this speech he highlights many things, a few of which you have heard in other clips. I'm guessing most of you have not heard the whole thing though. Enjoy now, in it's entirety, "A Time For Choosing" The Ronald Regan #1 moment.
One Picture = One Thousand Words
Allen West.........or Barack Obama?
Thought I'd pass this gem along. Enjoy.
- bin Nomos
The middle would like to welcome a new contributer to the site... What a great way to start it off! Welcome!!!!
Can You Ban Speech And Love The First Amendment?
I find it amazing how many times liberals tend to contradict themselves. They will say that they support free speech, and at the very same time will sign a petition to BAN speech they disagree with.
Jan Schakowski climbs back out from under her rock.
Jan talks about her disdain for Andrew Breitbart. And the way he and BigGovernment.com went "after her".
Here is the clip they exposed that she didn't want you to hear. Her feelings on "healthcare reform" are best described as radical.
Here is the clip they exposed that she didn't want you to hear. Her feelings on "healthcare reform" are best described as radical.
WTF Moment of the day 5/19/11
Mathews has really fell off the deep end, and I sit here wondering which is worse. The way he looks at the president as being above it all always doing good. Or the way he sees Gingrich as the...wait for it...Joker character from Batman. I mean wow who sees the world this way? Anyway, take a listen to this guy and see if you can puzzle out his reasoning and if you agree or disagree.
Now THIS is how you present conservative opinion in a fun way... love these guys!
Will Privatizing Medicare Cause Grandma to be Thrown From a Cliff???
So how in the world can we ever even begin to talk about entitlement spending when some people out there are willing to tell the American public that if you privatize Medicare, that very company will throw her off a cliff?
I get that they are good at packing the message and so now I want to look at it from their side. Should we as conservatives be willing and or working on a video showing...let's say... Pelosi throwing grandma off of a cliff? Maybe this is the way to do it... counter punch, instead of always being the victims of this creative bullying. And while some on the liberal side would stay far back from this commercial and call it crazy. They still are happy with the desired effect.
As we should be happy with the desired effect of an anti big government ad that shows them rounding up people who are using the wrong light bulbs or possibly one that shows bureaucrats being held up by blue collar workers on a palanquin as they eat grapes and ride through town.
Folks it's time to put our uniquely logic based minds to work and show the left that we can be just as creative as they can.
I get that they are good at packing the message and so now I want to look at it from their side. Should we as conservatives be willing and or working on a video showing...let's say... Pelosi throwing grandma off of a cliff? Maybe this is the way to do it... counter punch, instead of always being the victims of this creative bullying. And while some on the liberal side would stay far back from this commercial and call it crazy. They still are happy with the desired effect.
As we should be happy with the desired effect of an anti big government ad that shows them rounding up people who are using the wrong light bulbs or possibly one that shows bureaucrats being held up by blue collar workers on a palanquin as they eat grapes and ride through town.
Folks it's time to put our uniquely logic based minds to work and show the left that we can be just as creative as they can.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mistress Revealed
OK so typically this is not like me to blog quasi celebrity photos. However, I do want to make sure that this story of Arnold fathering a child 14 years ago with his maid does not get missed. I live in a Kalifornia, and voted for this man. I was excited to do so and was extreeeeeeeeeemly disappointed with the way he governed. NOW, he is speaking at global warming seminars, and commuted the sentence of a confessed killer for a political buddy! So since he is on his knees down in the dirt I thought I would dog pile a little and make sure that the people who read this blog don't miss this story.
Today photos emerged of the mother of his illegitimate 14 year old son and the boy himself. and again, the only reason I am putting this out there is to show how much of a total waste of space this man turned out to be. So here is the photo I'm sure the world was waiting to see...
How many illegal aliens can you fit in a trailer?
I know it sounds like the set up to a joke... but stunning x-ray photos are surfacing that show this is nothing short of disgusting human trafficking. Ask yourself, what did these people pay and or do, to be herded like cattle into these trailers. Yes I said trailers, as in two, 18 wheel big rig trailers.
The immigration institute says 410 of the migrants were from Guatemala, 47 from El Salvador, 32 from Ecuador, 12 from India, six from Nepal, three from China, and one each from Japan, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. There were 32 women and four children among them.

The immigration institute says 410 of the migrants were from Guatemala, 47 from El Salvador, 32 from Ecuador, 12 from India, six from Nepal, three from China, and one each from Japan, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. There were 32 women and four children among them.
The new way to call someone a racist, Part 2
Ed Schultz has now picked up the baton and is running with it. This is really getting old to me. I mean there has to be a repudiation of this line of thinking. That just because you say he hands out a lot of food-stamps, now you are using a "wolf whistle" a "dog whistle" So now we are so worried about racism in this country, and rightfully so, that we hear it where it doesn't exist. I do have to admit I am playing an Ed Schultz clip so it's not like that's the opinion of EVERY liberal. BUT... the overall point here is that this will be the new way of handling conservatives in the upcoming election. I can't say it enough... the SIN tactic Switch the topic, Ignore the facts, and Name call.
Top 10 Ronald Regan moments #2
The Evil Empire Speech
March 8th 1983
The Great Communicator, Ronald Regan Address to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida that would come to represent Reagan's view of the Soviet Union. Reagan defends America's Judeo-Christian traditions against the Soviet Union's totalitarian leadership and lack of religious faith, expressing his belief that these differences are at the heart of the fight between the two nations. In many of his addresses Regan spoke of totalitarianism and it's evils. On this day he set the tone for how he would deal with the Soviet Union
March 8th 1983
The Great Communicator, Ronald Regan Address to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida that would come to represent Reagan's view of the Soviet Union. Reagan defends America's Judeo-Christian traditions against the Soviet Union's totalitarian leadership and lack of religious faith, expressing his belief that these differences are at the heart of the fight between the two nations. In many of his addresses Regan spoke of totalitarianism and it's evils. On this day he set the tone for how he would deal with the Soviet Union
Two Ears One Mouth Moment
Remember folks, you should always listen twice as much as you speak... Case in point...
Schwarzenegger fathered child with member of household staff - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Schwarzenegger released the following statement yesterday:
"After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago. I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."
"I ask that the media respect my wife and children through this extremely difficult time," the statement concluded. "While I deserve your attention and criticism, my family does not."
Newt's Contradictions Will Cost Him The Nominations
Charles Krauthammer was on special report yesterday and summarized the Newt Gingrich statements over the last few days on Obama care. It's his opinion and also mine that Newt painted himself into a tiny box that there was no way out of and now the left can easily attack him. I still don't really see what he likes about his plan and hates about Obama's plan. They seem one in the same to me. and honestly, if it's so nuanced that I can't understand it, what chance does he have with uninformed voters. It's a must that the next G.O.P. candidate be someone who can package the conservative message in a way that entertains and informs at the same time. Obviously Newt is not that guy.
The new way to call someone a racist.
The S.I.N. tactic in plain sight.
I believe this to be only the puck drop of a much longer series. Look for more of this screaming of racism from liberals as the presidential campaigns get going... you will notice that no one EVER looks at the validity of what he actually has said. Instead they use the very typical S.I.N tactic. Switch the topic, Ignore the facts, and Name call.
Remember fellow conservatives... all that the left has is the SIN tactic. if you can look past that you can see through the fog, directly to the heart of the debate. Smaller government or larger government, PERIOD.
I believe this to be only the puck drop of a much longer series. Look for more of this screaming of racism from liberals as the presidential campaigns get going... you will notice that no one EVER looks at the validity of what he actually has said. Instead they use the very typical S.I.N tactic. Switch the topic, Ignore the facts, and Name call.
Remember fellow conservatives... all that the left has is the SIN tactic. if you can look past that you can see through the fog, directly to the heart of the debate. Smaller government or larger government, PERIOD.
Zo Nation Speaks.
Recently the white house invited the rapper, "common" to perform. This was met with many conservatives pointing out his hatefulness toward George W. Bush and also some of his poetry that was downright disgusting, of course it's only disgusting to us conservatives. We must remember that there is another approach to the world. It's called liberalism...
The main difference between the two mindsets is our approach to the world. One is based more in logic and the other is based more in creativity. I'll let Zo explain this point he has made in this next video. If you don't know who Zo is, your are surely missing out. He's a conservative who has a major creative side. And he's gotten better with age.
The main difference between the two mindsets is our approach to the world. One is based more in logic and the other is based more in creativity. I'll let Zo explain this point he has made in this next video. If you don't know who Zo is, your are surely missing out. He's a conservative who has a major creative side. And he's gotten better with age.
Expose` Shows Illegal Aliens Robing Your Newborn!
Not a joke, and not o.k. There has to be more accountability for law enforcement to track these "people" down. They break the law coming into this country...that's bad enough. But then they go after children that aren't even born yet in order to get a home loan or car loan they have no legal right to. And the thing is, now I want to go check on all 5 of my kids and make sure this isn't already a big problem for them.
Thank you to the Today show for getting this one on film...
BREAKING NEWS!!! 5/12/11
Fox News is reporting that the house has voted to approve a bill that would lift the oil drilling moratorium.
The Left Throwing yet Another Grenade
The tactics of the left on display again. Remember the left uses tactics not values and principals, when they make arguments. It's referred to as the S.I.N. tactic, and you will see it throughout most of the videos I will bring you. It's evident in this clip as well as many others, where the left will Switch the topic... Ignore the facts... and Name call. Here Mathews tells us that just because some have wanted the photos of Bin Laden, post seal raid, released. Somehow those people like war and death and destruction (name call). Ignoring the fact that a lot of the pressure has come from lefties. And switching the topic from what Pakistan knew and the status of Al Qeada.
To put into perspective her values, and if they meet up with yours here she is on healthcare
To put into perspective her values, and if they meet up with yours here she is on healthcare
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