
Will Privatizing Medicare Cause Grandma to be Thrown From a Cliff???

So how in the world can we ever even begin to talk about entitlement spending when some people out there are willing to tell the American public that if you privatize Medicare, that very company will throw her off a cliff?
I get that they are good at packing the message and so now I want to look at it from their side. Should we as conservatives be willing and or working on a video showing...let's say... Pelosi throwing grandma off of a cliff? Maybe this is the way to do it... counter punch, instead of always being the victims of this creative bullying. And while some on the liberal side would stay far back from this commercial and call it crazy. They still are happy with the desired effect.
As we should be happy with the desired effect of an anti big government ad that shows them rounding up people who are using the wrong light bulbs or possibly one that shows bureaucrats being held up by blue collar workers on a palanquin as they eat grapes and ride through town.
Folks it's time to put our uniquely logic based minds to work and show the left that we can be just as creative as they can.

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